Friday, August 27, 2010

Wheee! I've Just Started a Blog :D

Ask any of my family members or friends about me and the first thing they'll tell you is that I'm a cruise nut/fanatic/addict/... whatever, I think you get the picture.  Fortunately Martyn ~ my husband and best friend for almost 26 years now ~ is one of those crazy cruise people too.  As for the rest of our family ~ Lincoln, the cat (age 15), and the dogs, WooWoo (age 6) and Abbee (age 5) ~ not so much.  It's unhappy times in Furville when the luggage comes out.

But with the economy as it is these days and a brand new business to tend to, the critters needn't worry about the luggage for a while... we're not going anywhere anytime soon.  However, that doesn't mean that I can't at least keep the spirit of cruising close to me by writing about it, so that's where my mind is today and one of the reasons I've started this blog.

A second reason for this blog is for shameless promotion of our little business, Sea Day Designs ~ I can't and won't lie to you about that.  However having just put that in writing, I want you to know that I have no intentions of stuffing this place with nothing more than post after post of ads for our artwork.  (I wouldn't insult your intelligence that way ~ there are numerous ways for you to see my ads simply by sniffing around this blog, lol.  Oh, and there's also an entire page devoted to our business... it's up there ^^^^^ at the top of this page... just click on that ~ Sea Day Designs tab! :D )

I will post about our business and our artwork at times but with this blog, I'm mostly interested in having fun, so I'll be writing about things that I find fun or interesting ~ primarily cruising and fusing glass ~ with a smattering of random musings tossed in... here's hoping you'll enjoy reading my posts.



  1. Hi Patty! Great start:) I'll be following for sure. I love cruising- we just got back from a Carnival Cruise last month. So glad we're back in touch...

  2. Thank you, Jacqui. :) I'm really happy that we're back in touch, too and also excited to learn you're a cruise lover to boot! :D

    P.S. I'm only just now responding to your comment because apparently I have much to learn about how things work in "blog land", lol.
